Sonic Generations - Ultimate Cheat Table / Freecam 2
This is an update to my Sonic Generations Cheat table with the improved freecam.
Credit for the Xbox 360 Controller Camera Control Script (i don't recommend you use it) Goes to SuperSonic16 for recreating the code.
As for instructions...here you go.
so basically, just load up Generations. Load up CE, attach it to Gens. then enable "Get Coordinates Addresses" "Camera Value / Scripts" and "Disable Camera Volumes"
After that you can go into a level and pressing Page Up will Enable it, and Page Down to disable the freecam
7/9 Pitch up and down, 1/3 Camera position Up / Down, 2+ 1/3 will move both Camera Pitch and the Position.
8/5 - Forward and Back.
4/6 Look Left, Look Right
8 or 5 + 4/6 will strife in that direction
Pressing 0, will Snap Sonic to where the Camera is looking, if you want to drag him around, but it can crash the game.
]/ \ on the keyboard Enables / Disables the hud.
Press ] to enable the script, Pause and unpause to make the hud go away, then disable the script
because leaving it enabled causes it to hide objects so...do that last.
if Total TimeScale or World Timescale is set to 1, then pressing N will pause the game (slow it down till everything basically stops moving) and M restores it.