
Hyper Flickies Return!

This mod recreates The Flickies you get as Hyper Tails from Sonic 3k in Sonic Mania.

This mod comes in 2 flavors.

Flickies of Death - Regular

Flickies of DANK - Each time something is killed the music gets slower.

To use install and activate the mod, then use tails and go super. the flickies should spawn and be working, please make sure you transition OUT of super form before ending the level, by completing the level or running out of rings, changing the level via the dev menu or other means can cause crashes on despawn since the objects no longer exist. 

Download: 23680934_attachment_27882742_FastCharacterChange.zip 23680934_attachment_27882731_Flickies of Death.zip 23680934_attachment_27882745_Flickies of DANK.zip