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16 bit color generator (RGB565 color picker) | Electrical engineering and programming notepad

16 bit color generator (RGB565 color picker)

One of the previous notes was about 16 bits RGB color representationRGB565 format. This note will be based on that note and you will be able to generate any color, within 16 bit color depth, by using the color picker below.

Hexadecimal 24 bit color depth value:

Hexadecimal 16 bit color depth value:

Color picker with preview:


  1. can you make it so that someone can input a 24 bit color and get out a 16 bit color

    1. I would also need the change between 24bit and 16 bit

    2. Anonymous15 July, 2022

      me too

    3. Anonymous17 July, 2022

      me too

  2. God bless your soul! You've saved my arduino project!

    1. lol feel same way

    2. Yes, God bless you indeed! This is a life-saver for my Arduino tweaking! :-D

  3. This color picker helped me. Thanks!

  4. Very helpful! Cheers.

  5. Thanks too!, I'll put a reference in my arduino project =)

  6. Thanks a lot, I used it a lot in my arduino oled project. I'll give you credit for sure =)

  7. You made my arduino project possible!! Thank you!!!!

  8. perfect for Arduino TFT displays, thanks!

  9. Very useful for my ESP8266 project. Thank you.

  10. Thanks a lot! You just avoided me a serious headache! Thanks again... Would it be possible to have it standalone (offline)?

  11. Thank you kind soul for making this colour generator!

  12. Very useful, just figured out how to print different pixels on a bare metal operating system for the Raspberry Pi Model B+!

  13. I love this app! by any chance would it be possible for you to add support for converter from a 32bit hex code (the hex code paint.net supports) and convert the value into the closest 16bit hex code for 32bit.

    I have spent over 2 hours trying to find a program that does this or at least can take the image I have and convert it into the closest thing, sadly, regardless what I type into to google, there is not any program that comes close to this app.

    Having the exact hex code for a 16bit in a 32bit color hex would be really good for making animated gifs that tend to be glitchy when you use any online image image animator. The only way I have found that make the texture not flicker is using the 16bit colors, and its a really pain having to try to get the same hue and such.

    It would even be great if it was RBG format I could use that as well but sadly I can't convert here just yet.

    Do you think you can add support?

  14. Can you add a way to take a 32bit hex code or RBG value and convert it into a 16bit RBG or hex code?
    This would help a ton with getting exact colors for 16bit to make animated GIF images.

  15. Can you provide the source code for this 16 bit colour picker?


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