CnG's ChromaKey Level Mod Pack for Mania V.1
So in the videos this week i modded some Sonic Mana levels so they can be chroma key'ed ether during recording with OBS or after recording in post. The Levels in the pack are, GHZ,CPZ,SPZ & PSZ
In OBS add a Filter (Chroma Key) For your SonicMania source.
After that set the Key Color Type to Custom Color, then Key Color to #4a41ad or select the color using the color picker, after that play with the similarity and smoothness sliders, but don't put them too high, just high enough to take the rough edges off or it will start removing other colors that are actually used.
By using the cheat table or the mod loader's option for "Disable Background Pausing" and using a controller, Sonic Mania will take background inputs from the controller.