First i want to thank you for your continued support. i wanted to make this post because i'm sure you noticed if you are one of my supporters here 2 things have happened. 

1. You haven't been charged all. so thats fine i guess but its leading to another problem. 

2. People who pledged Last month for whatever reason are not seeing or cannot see rewards they pledged for (AKA Cheat Tables, and Mania Maker releases) 

i reached out to Patreon support and got this very...not helpful resposne back. 

Hey there!

Thanks for reaching out! 

This month we noticed an unusual number of fraudulent creator accounts. In an effort to keep Patreon as safe as possible, we delayed processing payments for certain accounts as we reviewed possible fraudulent activity. 

Your patrons payments should begin to process over the next few days. I really appreciate your patience as we work through this!



i Replied back asking what about you guys and what the heck is happening and got no response. so until further notice please send me a message here on Patreon and i'll provide links for the Latest Cheat Table as well as the latest Mania Maker On request, since obviously they're going to keep me waiting for....WHATEVER to happen.

i feel so stupid at this point for even creating a patreon. I really hate that right now nothing is working correctly and i'm having you guys jump through hoops to get what you signed up for. 

I'm Very Sorry, 

